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Where do you reside?

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How long have you lived in the Mexico community?

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What are the reasons you choose to live in the Mexico area? (Select all that apply)

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Do you rent or own your home? Or are you currently displaced/homeless?

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Do you rent or own property in the Mexico community but live somewhere other than the town or village of Mexico?

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Do you consider Mexico to be a destination area? What is it a destination for?

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What are the reasons you choose to work in the town or village of Mexico? (select all that apply)

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What is your age range?

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What is your gender identity?

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Do you feel that you have a safe space in the Mexico community to express your gender identity or sexual preference?

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Are you, or someone in your household, differently abled and/or facing challenges to navigate outside of your home?

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In what areas are you or someone in your household differently abled?

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Whether or not you are differently abled, are there other challenges that make navigating outside your home difficult?

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Are you currently or have you previously considered leaving the Mexico Area?

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If you have ever considered leaving the town or village of Mexico, what made you leave/want to leave/ consider leaving?

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If none or not applicable, what discourages you from staying/living working in the Mexico area?

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How satisfied are you with the quality of life in Mexico?

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How important do you feel the following items are for the future of Mexico?

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How satisfied are you with the quality or availability of the following services?

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How often do you use your "downtown", Main Street for enjoyment services?

Special meals, social gatherings, festivals, farmers market, shopping, salon/barber, etc.

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Why? What does Main Street have that you enjoy or what does it not have that you wish it did?

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Are there places in the town or village of Mexico that are "unsightly", that detract you from visiting the area, or make you angry or irritated to drive or walk past?

Please explain or identify areas of concern.

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How was the presence of homeless or displaced peoples affected your home or work life?

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Do you feel that there is a shortage of available housing options in Mexico?

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If yes, which types of housing are lacking that should be encouraged in the Mexico area? (select all that apply)

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How would you like residential development to be encouraged in and around the village of Mexico?

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Outside the village of Mexico, should new residential development respect and retain the town's rural character?

Having the same style or characteristics

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As the town continues to develop, how important do you feel it is to retain the town's rural character?

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How satisfied are you with the quality of existing commerical services in the town and village of Mexico? (places that provide goods or services)

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What kind of commercial development would you like to see the town and village of Mexico attract?

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How do you typically commute to work?

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If all options were available, what would be your preferred method for commuting to work?

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How long does it take to commute to work?

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What shift do you work? (select all that apply)

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How important is it to you that the Mexico community prioritizes environmental sustainability in development projects? (making sure we use natural resources wisely today so that future generations can enjoy the same resources and a healthy environment later on)

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Do you support initiatives to develop solar energy projects in the Mexico Community? (Yes/No, please share your reasoning)

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Do you support initiatives to develop wind energy projects in the Mexico community? (yes/no, please share reasoning)

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Are you currently on public water or well water?

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Is flooding an issue in your home or community? Where?

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Do you currently have access to high-speed internet in your home?

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How satisfied are you with opportunities for community engagement and participation in the decision-making processes of the town or village of Mexico?

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How has climate change affected your life, health, wealth, home, crops, or choices?

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1.What suggestions do you have for participating in future workshops or meetings to discuss the future of Mexico?
2. How would you like to receive information about future happenings in Mexico? (social media, mailed flyer, electronic signage board, e-mail, text message, etc)

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What type of heating and cooling are you currently using at your home or business? (select all that apply)

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What do you feel are the most pressing problems Mexico is facing today?

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Over the next 10 years, I feel that Mexico should:

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Is there anything else you'd like to share about the future growth and development plan for the town and village of Mexico?

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Please share your information with us if you'd like to receive notifications when there are updates on this topic.

We do not sell your personal information to outside organizations.

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Please share the nearest cross street to your location.

Your response helps us better understand and reach all parts of our region. This information is private and used only to identify priorities and trends across our diverse geography.